Three days before my 50th birthday.
If you don't know what I am doing to celebrate the occasion, well, here's the scoop.
At 10.30am on Monday 23rd June, I plan to run from Southwell, where I live, to Nottingham, where I was born and where I used to live.
The route takes me past Lowdham, Burton Joyce, through Netherfield and down the Colwick Loop road, past the racecourse and greyhound stadium, and of course, the cathedral - Meadow Lane Stadium.
The route is approximately 15 miles, which is two more than I have ever done, and seven miles more than I have recently achieved.
The logistics are in place (change of clothes with my dad, who is meeting me on Trent Bridge) and all that remains is that I eat tons of pasta and blueberries over the weekend (and no kebab).
It's a tough ask.
Not the run, but missing my Saturday night treat kebab.
Yesterday, with the football, I was naughty. My friend Clive and I watched Uruguay vs England (like everyone else here) and I had five pints of cider plus two custom made burgers (which were delicious).
What do you do in social situations? Be one of those over committed bores who decline everything offered? That's just not me.
No. I'll drop 1000 calories later this morning and hope for the best.
Day Twenty Three : Saturday 21st June 2014
AM: Light session on weights. Am resting for Monday. Considered a run in the afternoon, but decided against it. A good trainer never leaves his horse's race behind on the home gallops.
I cooked, however.
They tell you to stock up on carbs, so that's what I am doing, with a small dish of peanuts for protein. The calories won't matter for this weekend, as I will probably burn around 2-3000 on Monday's run. Going to also lie down on the sofa after some tweeting to fully extend the leg muscles.
Day Twenty Four : Sunday 22nd June 2014
A rest day. However, I disappeared to the gym to some light weights while my floor was drying after a good mop. And in the evening, I went to the sauna for an hour. A large Notts County supporting lady joined us halfway through the session. The Newark lads were in Mablethorpe, so it was very peaceful in there.
My fiftieth birthday tomorrow. I have taken drink this evening.
This is the Bramley Apple pub in Southwell. I sat at the table closest to the door on the right as you exit. I enjoyed two pints of cider and a Jura malt - to toast the Gods of the Decades.
Eighteen minutes to go. I will be running in the morning...
Day Twenty Five : Monday 23rd June 2014
For one reason or another, I didn't do the run to Nottingham. I did, however, run the Extended Fiskerton, which I shall Googlemap for you when I have more time. It is between 7 and 8 miles and in the heat, it was a tough old run. I completed it though and then got on with my birthday.
Day Twenty Six : Tuesday 24th June 2014
AM: 700 calories expended on the X-Trainer in the morning (one hour).
Day Twenty Seven : Wednesday 25th June 2014
AM: A light session in the gym in the morning - the usual programme. Watched almost all The Jeremy Kyle Show, which made me feel a little bit guilty.
PM: Spinning with Mo. A solid session undertaken at the last minute. 50 minutes and was wringing like a dish rag at the end. She has the reputation of being the best spinner in the leisure centre and I can see why. A really good workout.
I strongly recommend spinning. Its exhausting and tough, but it works your heart and lungs a treat and the last time I looked well/lost weight, in spring of 2012, I was doing a hell of a lot of spinning. The problem is, spinning is a booked class and in the modern world, that can be inconvenient. It is worth it, though. I have a twinge on my right knee and this might prevent me going tomorrow, but I doubt it.